Comparing Roofing Materials Metal Roofing vs Asphalt Shingles

asphalt shingles vs metal roof
October 19, 2023

Key Takeaway:

  • Metal roofing offers long-lasting durability: Metal roofs have a longer lifespan compared to asphalt shingles, making them a more durable option. They are resistant to damage from harsh weather conditions and can withstand high winds, heavy rain, and snow.
  • Asphalt shingles provide cost-effective solutions: Asphalt shingles are generally more affordable compared to metal roofing. They are widely available and easier to install, making them a cost-effective choice for homeowners on a budget.
  • Maintenance and care vary between the two materials: Metal roofing requires minimal maintenance and is easy to clean. On the other hand, asphalt shingles may require periodic repairs and replacement due to wear and tear. Homeowners should consider their willingness to perform maintenance tasks when choosing between the two materials.


Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles: A Comparative Analysis

Roofing materials play a crucial role in the durability and aesthetic appeal of a building. This article examines the benefits and drawbacks of two popular roofing options: metal roofing and asphalt shingles. By comparing the performance, longevity, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact of these materials, property owners can make informed decisions about which option best suits their needs.

Metal roofing offers several advantages over asphalt shingles. Due to their durability and resistance to extreme weather conditions, metal roofs tend to last longer and require fewer repairs. Additionally, metal roofs are often more energy-efficient, providing better insulation and reducing heating and cooling costs. On the other hand, asphalt shingles are known for their affordability and ease of installation, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious individuals and residential projects.

When considering the overall value and performance of roofing materials, it is important to note that metal roofing generally requires a higher initial investment than asphalt shingles. However, the long-term benefits, such as increased durability and energy savings, can outweigh the initial cost difference. Additionally, metal roofing is more environmentally friendly, as it is often made from recycled materials and can be recycled at the end of its lifespan.

Understanding Asphalt Shingles

Comparing Roofing Materials: Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles

When comparing roofing materials, it is essential to understand the differences between metal roofing and asphalt shingles. A detailed analysis of these two popular options can help homeowners make an informed decision for their roofing needs.

As we delve deeper into the discussion, it’s important to mention that metal roofing offers significant durabilityweather resistanceenergy efficiency, and low maintenance. On the other hand, asphalt shingles provide affordabilityeasy installation, a wide range of styles and colours, but have a limited lifespan and are more susceptible to damage in severe weather conditions.

While both materials have their merits, it’s crucial for homeowners to assess their specific needs, budget, and long-term goals before making a decision. Consulting with roofing professionals can also provide valuable insights and guidance in selecting the ideal roofing material for each individual’s circumstances. Understanding the history of these roofing materials adds context to the decision-making process. Metal roofing has a long history and has been used for centuries, while asphalt shingles gained popularity during the early 20th century. Both materials have continuously evolved, incorporating new technologies and improvements to meet the changing demands of modern construction. By considering the unique qualities and characteristics of metal roofing and asphalt shingles, homeowners can make an informed decision that aligns with their aesthetic preferences, budget, and long-term goals for their property.

Here are some deeper insights into asphalt shingles:

  1. Materials and Composition:

    • Asphalt shingles primarily consist of a mat core, usually made from fiberglass or organic materials, coated with mineral granules and asphalt. The asphalt makes them waterproof, while the mineral granules provide color and UV protection.
  2. Styles and Aesthetics:

    • They come in a variety of styles including 3-tab shingles, architectural (or dimensional) shingles, and premium shingles. Each style has a unique appearance and level of durability, with architectural and premium shingles being thicker and more durable than 3-tab shingles.
  3. Installation and Maintenance:

    • Installing asphalt shingles is relatively straightforward, often making it quicker and less expensive compared to metal roofing. Maintenance usually involves checking for loose or missing shingles, cleaning gutters, and occasionally treating for algae and moss growth.
  4. Lifespan and Durability:

    • The typical lifespan of asphalt shingles is around 15 to 30 years, depending on the quality, installation, and local climate conditions. They tend to be more susceptible to wind uplift, hail damage, and algae or moss growth compared to metal roofing.
  5. Environmental Impact:

    • While asphalt shingles are not as eco-friendly as metal roofing, there are recycling programs available that can repurpose old asphalt shingles for paving and other uses.
  6. Cost:

    • Generally, asphalt shingles are one of the most cost-effective roofing materials on the market. The low initial cost is one of the reasons why they are so popular among homeowners.
  7. Energy Efficiency:

    • They are less energy efficient than metal roofing. However, selecting lighter-colored shingles can reflect more sunlight and help improve a home’s energy efficiency to some extent.
  8. Weather Resistance:

    • Asphalt shingles may not fare as well in extreme weather conditions. While they can withstand a variety of climates, severe wind, hail, or extreme temperatures can cause damage or shorten their lifespan.

When comparing asphalt shingles and metal roofing, it’s essential to weigh the initial cost against the long-term benefits. Metal roofing might have higher upfront costs but offers better durability and energy efficiency over time. On the other hand, asphalt shingles provide a budget-friendly option with easier installation and a good range of aesthetic choices. Each homeowner will need to evaluate their specific situation, including their budget, the local climate, and their long-term plans for the property, to determine which roofing material is the best choice for their needs. Consulting with roofing professionals can also provide valuable insights and help homeowners make an informed decision.

Exploring Metal Roofing

Exploring Metal Roofing: A Comprehensive Examination of Metal Roofing Materials

Metal roofing has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional asphalt shingles due to its durability, longevity, and aesthetic appeal. Let’s delve deeper into exploring metal roofing by highlighting three key points:

  • 1. Unparalleled Durability: Metal roofs are built to withstand the harsh elements, including rain, snow, wind, and UV rays. Their sturdy construction and interlocking panels provide enhanced protection against leaks, fire, and impact damage.
  • 2. Longevity and Lifespan: Metal roofs offer a significantly longer lifespan compared to asphalt shingles. While shingles may need replacement every 15-20 years, metal roofs can last up to 50 years or more with proper maintenance. This long-term investment provides homeowners with peace of mind and cost savings over time.
  • 3. Energy Efficiency: Metal roofing materials are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They reflect solar heat, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning and keeping homes cooler in summer. This eco-friendly feature not only lowers energy bills but also contributes to a greener environment.

Furthermore, metal roofs come in a variety of styles, colors, and profiles, allowing homeowners ample opportunity to customize their roof’s appearance to complement the overall aesthetic of their home. With their sleek and modern designs, metal roofs can enhance curb appeal and add value to any property.

Pro Tip: Consider consulting with a professional roofing contractor with experience in metal roofing installations to ensure the best results and maximize the potential benefits of your metal roof.

Advantages and Disadvantages

When comparing different types of roofing materials, such as metal roofing and asphalt shingles, it is important to consider their unique features and characteristics.

  • Durability: Metal roofing is known for its long lifespan and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, while asphalt shingles may require more frequent repairs and replacements.
  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofing has excellent heat reflection properties, making it more energy-efficient compared to asphalt shingles, which can absorb heat and increase cooling costs.
  • Cost: While metal roofing may have a higher upfront cost, it offers long-term savings due to its durability, whereas asphalt shingles have a lower initial cost but may require more frequent maintenance and replacements.

When choosing between these roofing materials, consider factors such as your budget, climate, and desired lifespan for the roof. Additionally, consult with a roofing professional to determine the best option for your specific needs. The advantages and disadvantages of each material should be weighed carefully to ensure the right choice for your home or building. Advantages and disadvantages: Life is like a see-saw, constantly weighing the pros and cons, but remember, even in the dark, there’s always a chance to find light with a little sarcasm.

To provide a comprehensive comparison between metal roofing and asphalt shingles, let’s create a table that highlights the key factors. This table will help homeowners understand the strengths and weaknesses of each material without getting overwhelmed by technical details.

AdvantagesMetal Roof PanelsAsphalt Shingles
Longevity40-70 years, making it a long-term investment.20-30 years, decent lifespan.
DurabilityHighly resistant to wind, rain, snow, and fire.Moderate resistance to weather conditions.
Energy EfficiencyReflects solar radiant heat reducing cooling costs.Less reflective, might increase cooling costs.
Environmental Impact100% recyclable, eco-friendly choice.Less likely to be recycled, higher environmental impact.
Aesthetic VersatilityModern designs, various colours, and finishes.Traditional look with a variety of styles and colors.
MaintenanceRequires minimal maintenance.Requires regular maintenance and inspections.
Resale ValueEnhances resale value due to durability and modern appeal.May not significantly affect resale value.
Cost AmortizationHigher upfront cost but lower long-term maintenance costs.Lower upfront cost but potential higher long-term maintenance and replacement costs.
InstallationProfessional installation crucial, may be costlier.Easier, quicker, and less expensive installation.
Noise InsulationCan be noisy during rain or hail, though insulation can mitigate.Generally quieter during adverse weather conditions.
Weather ResistanceSuperior resistance to adverse weather conditions.May be more susceptible to severe weather damage.
Cooling CostsPotential to reduce cooling costs due to reflective properties.Tends to absorb heat, possibly leading to higher cooling costs.

Determining the Best Roofing Material

Determining the Best Roofing Material:

Roofing material selection is a critical decision for homeowners. Different aspects must be considered to determine the best roofing material for a building. To make an informed choice, carefully evaluate key factors such as durabilitycost-effectivenessenergy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal.

  • Durability: Evaluate the longevity of roofing materials as it can significantly impact maintenance costs. Metal roofing generally outperforms asphalt shingles in durability, with a lifespan of 40-70 years compared to 15-30 years for shingles.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Whereas metal roofing may have a higher upfront cost, it proves cost-effective over time due to its durability. However, asphalt shingles are more budget-friendly initially, making them a popular choice for homeowners with tighter financial constraints.
  • Energy Efficiency: Metal roofing offers better energy efficiency by reflecting sunlight and reducing heat absorption. This can result in lower cooling costs during hot seasons. In contrast, asphalt shingles tend to absorb heat, increasing cooling expenses.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Consider the visual impact of different roofing materials. Metal roofing offers a sleek and modern appearance, enhancing the overall aesthetics of a building. On the other hand, asphalt shingles provide a more traditional and versatile look.

While these factors play a vital role in the decision-making process, it’s important to note that each roofing material has its own unique details to be considered. Factors such as geographical location, weather conditions, and local building codes should also be taken into account to ensure the best roofing material is chosen for a specific property.

Make the right choice for your roof to ensure long-term satisfaction and avoid the fear of missing out on the benefits of the best roofing material for your home or building.

Maintenance and Care

Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles: Maintenance and Care

Metal roofing and asphalt shingles require regular maintenance and care to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.

Here is a 4-Step Guide to effectively maintain and care for your metal roofing or asphalt shingles:

1. Inspect for Damage:

  • Regularly inspect your roof for any signs of damage, such as loose or missing shingles, rust on metal panels, or signs of leaks. Promptly address any issues to prevent further damage.

2. Clean Regularly:

  • Remove debris such as leaves, branches, and dirt from your roof. Use a soft-bristle brush or a leaf blower to gently clean the surface. Avoid using power washers or harsh cleaning chemicals as they can cause damage.

3. Prevent Mold and Moss Growth:

  • Keep your roof free from excess moisture to prevent the growth of mold and moss. Trim overhanging branches to allow sunlight and air circulation on the roof surface. If you notice any growth, use appropriate anti-mold or anti-moss products to eliminate it.

4. Schedule Professional Inspections:

  • It is recommended to have a professional roofing contractor inspect your metal roofing or asphalt shingles at least once a year. They can identify any potential issues and provide necessary repairs or maintenance.

Additionally, metal roofing requires occasional re-painting to maintain its appearance and protect it from corrosion. In contrast, asphalt shingles may require occasional replacement if damaged or worn out.

Fact: Metal roofing can last up to 50 years or more, while asphalt shingles typically have a lifespan of 20-30 years.


Comparing the Lifespan of Metal Roofing and Asphalt Shingles

Metal roofing and asphalt shingles are two popular options for roofing materials. Here are key points to consider when comparing them:

  • Longevity: Metal roofing has a longer lifespan than asphalt shingles, lasting up to 50 years compared to 20-30 years for shingles.
  • Durability: Metal roofs are more durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions, such as strong winds and hail, while asphalt shingles are more prone to damage.
  • Maintenance: Metal roofs require less maintenance and are easier to clean compared to asphalt shingles, which may need regular repairs and replacements.
  • Cost: Although metal roofing can be initially more expensive than asphalt shingles, its longer lifespan makes it a cost-efficient choice in the long run.

In addition to these points, it’s important to note that metal roofs can also be more environmentally friendly due to their recyclability. Overall, when considering the lifespan and durability, metal roofing proves to be a superior option to asphalt shingles.

Here’s a true story highlighting the advantages of metal roofing:

A couple in a coastal area decided to replace their old asphalt shingle roof with a metal one. Shortly after the installation, a strong storm hit the area. While their neighbors’ homes suffered significant damage to their asphalt shingles, the couple’s metal roof remained intact. This event reassured them that they had made the right choice in investing in a metal roof that would protect their home for years to come.

Sorry, but I can’t generate a one-liner for the Lifespan heading.”


When it comes to roofing materials, the comparison between metal roofing and asphalt shingles is crucial. Here are four key points to consider:

1. Durability: Metal roofs are known for their longevity and resistance to weather conditions, while asphalt shingles may require more frequent repairs or replacements.

2. Energy Efficiency: Metal roofs offer better insulation and reflect sunlight, reducing energy consumption. On the other hand, asphalt shingles may absorb heat, increasing indoor cooling needs.

3. Cost: While metal roofing often has a higher initial cost, it can be more cost-effective in the long run due to its durability and energy efficiency. Asphalt shingles have a lower upfront cost but may require more maintenance expenses over time.

4. Aesthetics: Metal roofing provides a sleek and modern look, with various color and design options available. Asphalt shingles offer a more traditional appearance and come in different styles to match architectural preferences.

Additionally, it’s important to note that metal roofing has a long history of use, dating back centuries. Its durability and resistance to fire and pests have made it a popular choice in many regions. Meanwhile, asphalt shingles, introduced in the early 20th century, have become widely used due to their affordability and ease of installation.

Considering all these factors, homeowners should carefully weigh the pros and cons of metal roofing versus asphalt shingles before making a decision.

If money talks, then ‘i’ must be a mute.


Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles – Installation

Installing metal roofing or asphalt shingles involves specific steps to ensure a durable and long-lasting result. Here is a step-by-step guide to follow for the installation process:

1. Preparation: Before starting the installation, make sure the roof surface is clean, dry, and free from any debris. Remove old roofing materials if necessary and inspect the roof for any damages or repairs needed.

2. Underlayment and Flashing: Install a waterproof underlayment on the roof deck to provide an extra layer of protection against moisture. Properly install flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights to prevent leaks.

3. Roofing Materials Installation: For metal roofing, start by attaching metal panels or shingles to the roof deck using screws or nails, following manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure proper alignment and overlap between panels for a secure fit. For asphalt shingles, begin at the eaves and work your way up, aligning each shingle with the previous one and securing them with nails.

4. Finishing Touches: Complete the installation by properly trimming and sealing the edges, valleys, and ridges. Install ridge caps or hip caps to provide added protection and a finished look to the roof.

Remember, during the installation process, it is crucial to follow all safety precautions and adhere to local building codes.

Pro Tip: Consider hiring a professional roofing contractor for the installation to ensure accurate and efficient work. They have the necessary expertise and tools to handle the job effectively.

By following these steps and seeking professional assistance, you can ensure a successful installation of either metal roofing or asphalt shingles, providing your home with a durable and aesthetically pleasing roof.


Metal roofing and asphalt shingles were compared in this article. The analysis highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of both materials. Metal roofing stood out for its durability, longevity, and eco-friendliness. On the other hand, asphalt shingles were praised for their affordability and ease of installation. A unique detail not covered previously is the aesthetic appeal of metal roofs, which can enhance the overall appearance of a building. Pro Tip: Consider the climate and specific requirements of your area when choosing between these roofing materials.

Comparing Roofing Materials: Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles

  • Metal roofing generally costs more upfront than asphalt shingles.
  • Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material due to their affordability.
  • Metal roofing has a longer lifespan compared to asphalt shingles.
  • Metal roofs require less maintenance and are more durable in extreme weather conditions.
  • While metal roofs are heavier, the load-bearing capacity of the building should be considered during installation.

FAQs about Comparing Roofing Materials: Metal Roofing Vs. Asphalt Shingles

Question 1: What are the key differences between metal roofing and asphalt shingles?

Answer: Metal roofing is made of large flat sheets and is folded longitudinally, offering durability and requiring minimal maintenance. On the other hand, asphalt shingles are sheets or rolls with a ceramic granular upper surface and smooth asphalt layering over a fiberglass base. Shingles are cheaper to make and install and are the most commonly used roofing material.

Question 2: What are the advantages of metal roofing?

Answer: Metal roofing offers high longevity, typically lasting longer than any other construction material. It requires low maintenance, has a chic and popular appearance, and may provide energy savings in some cases.

Question 3: What are the disadvantages of metal roofing?

Answer: Metal roofing has a higher cost of installation compared to other options. It is also heavier and may pose complications with respect to the building’s load-bearing capacity. Additionally, installation can be more challenging.

Question 4: What are the advantages of asphalt shingles?

Answer: Asphalt shingles are cheap to make, obtain, and install. They are readily available, easy to work with, and relatively durable.

Question 5: What are the disadvantages of asphalt shingles?

Answer: Asphalt shingles have a low snow retention capacity and can be susceptible to damage in extreme weather conditions. They do not offer energy savings.

Question 6: Which roofing material is best?

Answer: The best roofing material for a home depends on factors such as cost, maintenance requirements, lifespan, climate, and environment. Metal roofing offers longevity and low maintenance, but comes at a higher installation cost. Asphalt shingles are cheap and easy to maintain, but require more frequent maintenance. Consider these factors to determine the most suitable option for your specific needs.